

We place environmental management at the heart of our services; we help our clients deliver time, resource and cost savings by bringing together the disciplines that are needed to deliver a tailored solution. They range from ecology to civil engineering, chemistry to geology, planning to complex modelling, all provided to reduce our client’s exposure to environmental risk and liabilities. Our strength is the integration of this unique mix of scientist and engineers working together to resolve problems

Specific environmental consultancy services include:

Full EIA management and delivery (EIA, EIS, SEA, HSEIA) including scoping and implementation of impact assessment, environmental risk management, and contingency planning;

EMS development and associated training (including ISO14001);

Air and Noise Monitoring

Effluent Analysis


Prediction and Evaluation of Environment, Weather and Climate scenarios/effects using state of the art numerical modelling, information management and visualisation;

Resource management including renewable energy appraisal;

Contaminated land investigation, risk assessment and remediation management;

Environmental permit application including public consultation and representation;

Local resource development and design/provision of social infrastructure;

Waste management;

Oil Spill Monitoring & Response

Chemical Exposure Analysis

Pollution assessments and management;

Social assessment and stakeholder consultations;

Training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD);

Hydrology, hydrogeology and water quality assessment, including recovery and re-use;

Environmental audit and due diligence transaction support;

Baseline surveys;

Habitat and ecological assessments (both marine and landside);

Environmental compliance monitoring programmes;

We offer a comprehensive range of environmental support services covering all phases of project development and operation.  Our team have international experience in providing consultancy and technical services to the various sectors..